Sunday, September 4, 2011

if not here, then there

It's amazing how a person can be there one minute then the next, be gone. Earlier this evening, a very dear friend of mine, who I've known since primary, was in a terrible car accident where he was taken back to our Heavenly Father. He was such a sweet guy and had such an amazing spirit and one of the strongest testimonies a person a could have. He was a great example not only to those around him, but to me. He was such a funny guy and an awesome friend, he always accepted everyone, no matter what mistakes they had made or where they came from. He was selfless and always willing to help those in need. He came from an amazing family who raised him so strongly in the gospel, that he just radiated with his love and knowledge of the church. In all honesty, he was THE ideal lds boy.
One thing that I really liked about him was his desire to serve a mission. That was his biggest dream, to go out and do the Lord's work. He use to be so jealous when other friends got to go, or when those that had the opportunity chose not to. Being 19, he was so close to getting that chance, but then disaster struck and he was gone. However, an interesting, valid point was brought up to me by several people. Maybe his mission wasn't meant to be here on earth, but rather in heaven, where he could teach to those in spirit prison who hadn't gotten the opportunity to learn about the church. Maybe God knew that he would be an amazing missionary, so amazing that his purpose would have been better served in heaven. Or maybe, because he was so perfect that God didn't think he deserved to be here with all the evil in the world so he took him back where he could serve a better purpose in heaven. Either way I know without a doubt, he's there now sharing his testimony with those willing to listen.
Thank you for everything Logan Fulgham. You have always been such a great influence and all around a great guy. You will be missed by so many people who love and cherish you, but I know you're happy where you are and I know it's everything you've imagined and more. I know that you'll be up there watching over us and waiting until we all return. Rest in peace will never be forgotten and you will always be my heart. xoxo