Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Traditions

Ah Christmas time. The scent of Christmas trees, cinnamon, drinking hot chocolate, dipping chocolates, and of course eating candy! These are only a few Christmas traditions society shares. My family has a lot of Christmas traditions that I am proud to say have never been broken. Although, a lot of other families do what my family does as's still special to me. To those who read this and don't share any of these traditions maybe it's something you could start.

*The first tradition are the Christmas movies; which are special because you can only watch them around that certain time of the year. You could watch them before..but that's just kind of weird and non-sensible. These movies are about getting you into the holiday spirit. It's hard to be pumped for Christmas when it's a good 8 months away. Anyway, I have made a list of movies my family always watches this time of the year. Most of them are classics.

1. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.  
2. A Christmas Story
3. A Charlie Brown Christmas
4. How the Grinch Stole Christmas
5. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
6. Santa Claus is Comin' to Town

*Another tradition my family does is chocolate dipping/fudge! More so, this is my mom, sister, and my thing, but still I look forward to it every year! My mom will go out and by a big chunk of chocolate which we melt and dip all sorts of things in! We do dipped pretzels, cinnamon bears (for my dad), peanut butter balls, caramels, peanuts, and whatever else we feel like dipping...a lot of the time it's our fingers. ;)
Another thing we make, well my mom, is fudge. (Only my mom makes it because no matter how hard I try, I can never get it to taste like hers). She'll do regular fudge, mint fudge, and peanut butter fudge. Yes, I gain about 10 pounds, but it's totally worth it.

*Every year on Christmas Eve, we get to open 1 present of our choice (usually one from our parents). Most of the time it's pajamas or a blanket, but it definitely hypes us up for Christmas morning.

*Cinnamon rolls. Since my sister gets the most hyped about Christmas, we're usually up between 6 and 7..pretty darn early. When we're first awake, we don't want breakfast right away, so my mom will cook us up some cinnamon rolls which that we snack on until my dad makes us a big huge breakfast.

These are only a few of the traditions I can think of at the moment. I know these are common traditions, but as I stated before, they're special to me and I always look forward to this time of year. Christmas is my most favorite holiday. It's a time for service, gifts, and most importantly, remembering the true meaning and reason of Christmas.