Monday, July 9, 2012

Summer in the Sun

Good things come to those who wait.

 As summer was approaching all I could think about was all the activities I planned on doing. Swimming, going places, having adventures, all that stuff, and now it's half way through summer and none of that has been accomplished. Granted, I have gone home a few times to see my family and Aaron's and ya those were fun times..but I imagined going swimming almost every day or something. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I don't have any friends. Sad right? All my friends left me for the summer or are too busy with their lives, so I spend my days off in bed watching Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. I do have friends at work, but we all know how it is, you make friends with people at work and you're great friends at work, but outside, not so much. Anyway enough complaining, because my summer is about to get awesome.

I have a lot planned for the next 2 months (ok not a lot, but big things). For example, Aaron's friends are coming to visit this weekend and aside from catching up and playing games, we're going to go cliff jumping! I am super excited because I haven't gone in for so long. Plus, I get to wear my new cute green polka dot bikini! (I would've gone with yellow...but you can imagine all the references I'd get to that). After an epic weekend with the boys, a few weeks later my family is going to Lava Hot Springs. Over the past couple of years this has become a tradition for our family. Nothing is better then bonding time while going down the rapid Portneuf river. Hopefully my mom got the dates right this time though. (last time she told us the wrong dates and we had to miss out on Island Park because we got the wrong days off). In any case, I'm way excited. For those who haven't been, Lava is the bomb! The pool park is pretty cool too, but if you go, go for the river! So many memories on that river. After all this happens, the following month is my birthday. And not just any 20th birthday! Obviously, not as big of a deal as a 21st birthday, but still I finally can officially be out of the teenage years and my family can no longer use that against me when I have to sit at the kids table because I'm an independent adult.

As for adventures, well there's always one around the corner. Like last night, our toilet spazzed out. The hose in the top part or whatever came unhooked so water was leaking everywhere! Our bathroom literally flooded. Luckily, Aaron fixed it...for now and all is good. That is until it happened again this morning! Nothing is better then being in the process of waking up and after flushing the toilet having water spray you everywhere! Anyway, overall I gotta say, although my summer has had a slow start, it's beginning to redeem itself. One thing I have learned, if you're a pessimist you're going to have a really bad time. So make the most out of you're given because everywhere you go there is something waiting for you.