Saturday, July 30, 2011

Finding New Hobbies

So here I am, summer almost over and what have I done all summer? Pretty much nothing. Yeah I've done a few  awesome activities here and there, but for the most part other then working, I've bored myself out. There's only so much a poor, minimum wage college student can do you know? So one day as I was complaining about my ongoing boredom, Aaron finally got annoyed an told me to find a hobby. (His is video games...shocker). Well, all the hobbies I could think of doing that I use to do are currently unavailable like chilling with my best friends or going on random shopping trips to Logan. That's what I use to do with my summer, but none of my friends are nearby and the closest mall is 45 minutes away and gas prices suck. So, I  finally made a list of hobbies I am willing to try.

1. Reading. I use to be a good, constant reader, but over the past couple of years I've kinda given up, but not anymore. Since our school library has mostly educational books, I took the initiative to go to my city library, and wouldn't you believe it, library cards are free! (I got one that has a reading superhero on it).  I remember my dad would try to convince me to read The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolken. So, I took his advice and I rented the book. It has been so interesting that I decided my challenge for the rest of the summer is to read the whole Lord of the Rings trilogy.

2. Learn oragami. So, this guy in my communications class last semester, was a skilled oragami maker and made me a few oragami animals. Well I was looking at them awhile ago and decided I want to learn oragami. It can't be too terribly hard, and the internet is full of "how to" stuff. Hopefully, by the end of the summer I'll be a skilled oragami maker.

3. Bracelet making. Last summer, I did this a lot. Well I figured it's time to pick it back up again. Luckily the thread needed isn't expensive and I already have the basic knowledge of how to do it, so this will just be an easy past time

Anyway, well that's about all I have for now. I'm sure as time goes on I'll discover new hobbies, but for now these are my main focus. Wish me luck!!

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