Friday, June 17, 2011

World's Greatest Dad :)

In honor of father's day, I decided to have this blog post be about my dad who has been one of the only men I know I can always depend on. This post is mainly going to be about how much I appreciate my dad and why.
As most everyone can notice, I don't look anything like my dad, or any of my siblings. However, everyone that knows my family knows why that is. My dad, Brian Kurt Jolley, did something very courageous that took a lot of strength and trust in the Lord that this was the right choice. That choice was adopting me. A few things   that I really admire is his acceptance, patience, courage, and love. Even though my mom had me out of wedlock, he still accepted her and her baggage (aka me). Not only that, but after they married, he took the challenge of adopting me and got me sealed to both him and my mom. He has loved us and my siblings unconditionally. It takes a very compassionate and special person to be able to do something like that, and still treat me with the same respect and equality as my siblings.
I try to put myself in my dad's place at that point in time and I don't even know if I would've been able to take on a 1 year old child right after marriage. The 'idealistic' marriage is  the man and woman get married, spend time just the two of them, then start having kids. My parents didn't get that. That'd be something pretty hard to give up. I know I've always imagined that after I got married, my husband and I would be together, just the two of us for like a year before having children, that way we'd get time to actually know each other. My dad gave that up. Instead of the fantasy I just described, after they were married, they went on a honeymoon and had some time together, came back and took care of me. I can't stretch enough how appreciative I am and it's not until recently I realize how much my dad sacrificed so that I could be a part of his family both physically and spiritually.
I will admit there have been times that I made my dad's life hard. I remember, after I had found out that I was adopted, for awhile, I was the world's biggest brat to my dad and didn't give him the respect he deserved. There were things I said that I shouldn't have that caused a lot of tension between us and to this day I still am ashamed of myself because those things I said were very unnecessary and a lower blow then punching someone in the balls. Yet, even though I hurt my dad, he still loved me, I just refused to see it. Thankfully, as I got older, sense started coming to me and in time things mended between my dad and I.
Now I feel closer to him then ever. For the longest time, I've always wanted to meet my biological father, but over the past year it's not important to me anymore. Why would I want to meet a man that I never knew? That never was a dad to me in any way what so ever? I know that was partially my mom's decision, but even when we did get in contact it was awkward. I felt like I was talking to a total stranger and I had no feelings for him at all. That was when it hit me, I don't need to get to know my biological dad. I already knew who my dad was, and that was the man that raised me as his own,  put a roof over my head, food on the table, and gave me the love every child deserves.
I love my dad so so much. he means so much to me. If it weren't for him I wouldn't know how to check things under the hood. Had it not been for him, I would've had to pay about $300 to get my car fixed up. If it wasn't for my dad, I wouldn't have had the life I have now or the privilege to be sealed as a member of his family. Through thick and thin my dad has been there for me. Even when I screwed up, he still was there for me and although he has been disappointed in me, he's still loved me throughout it all. I couldn't ask God for a better dad and I pray that God continues to give him the strength and patience that he has. Hopefully, you're reading this dad so that you can have an idea of how grateful I am for what you did. It means everything in the world to me. I love you daddy!! :)

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