Thursday, June 2, 2011

Being Specific

This weeks lesson that I learned the hard way was to be specific. Especially when it comes to the male species because if you're not down to the last detail, they will screw up. Here's how I learned. So, I had work and as I was getting ready, I realized I had used up the last of my deodorant. Not only that, but I was all out of mascara. Now the mascara I can live without, but deodorant I NEED. So I asked Aaron if he'd go to Walmart and get some for me. BIG mistake on my part. I wrote down the brand of both mascara and deodorant and what kind I used. I even showed him what they looked liked. The next day I go to use my deodorant and realize it's not the kind  I use. Yes it was dove clinical protection, but he got me the odorless kind. Then, I started working on my makeup. I began putting on my mascara when I noticed it wasn't was brown. So I looked at the tube and it said lash blast volume brown black waterproof. Now any girl knows waterproof is a pain in the butt because it doesn't wash off very easily. I was very irritated and kinda got mad at Aaron, which was wrong because he followed the instructions I had written, I had failed to keep them clear. I asked for lash blash volume and he got that. I asked for dove clinical protection, he got that. So, on his part he did everything right. All in all I learned that you can't just assume someone knows what you need, especially a guy because guys don't pay attention to little details unless you tell them. In any case it all worked out. I went and got some make up remover and I'll admit my armpits have been smell-less and the brown black isn't too bad...but I definitely learned that next time I need to be a little bit more specific.

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